Just a quick question. A rhetorical one? Unfortunately, yes.

Jesus Christ, it's been a long time. Talking about slack. Look at me. Even though I would like to say that I have been rather busy, if not extremely busy and actually, if I think about it, not slack at all. At least not in many other regards- other than updating my blog, I mean. I could start to bore you now endlessly by telling you all the many thousand things I have been doing lately, but somehow I feel like I always do that. Do I always do that? C'mon, you can tell me honestly. A little bit, hey? Just a little bit.
But anyway. Let's talk about more interesting things. The photo here shows my humble self in Tokyo. I know, you can't see much of Tokyo. In fact, you can't see anything at all, other than a little corner of a small hotel room. That is because that's pretty much all I saw of Tokyo- I was in transit. And why was I in transit? (Just a quick remark on the side here, I have no idea why I always ask rhetorical questions today. Must be the strange kind of mood I'm in. But don't worry, I find it a bit annoying myself and will try to stop soon- but not today.) Well, I was in transit because I was flying to Switzerland. Switzerland! Snow! Mountains! Winter! My family! My friends! Are you excited yet? I can feel you're not really. But that's ok. Let me just tell you one last thing before I leave you alone: I am very excited to be here. But nevertheless, I feel it is time to go to bed now and stop the annoying rhetorical questions. I can't really take myself serious today and I'm unsure if that's a good thing. But I'll be back and if the mood is right, I will tell you some interesting things about Switzerland. And if God will, I should be back in less than two months. Fingers crossed.
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