How my head led the way to the rum

Well, well, well, will you look at that. Little Miss B is back on the blog a mere three days after her last post. I have a feeling we're heading towards better times again. The only problem is, I'm under some heavy pressure now to write something interesting, considering what I promised last time. God knows why I did that, must have been a moment of delusion.
But anyway. Let's try this. I went snowboarding yesterday- which, by the way, was absolutely gloriously beautiful and most amazing for me considering it was the first time in about four years, but that's not really the topic. I doubt it would qualify as "something interesting"- you hear people getting excited about stuff like snowboarding all the time. What I thought was interesting though (to the extent of worry) was how much my head got in the way of my body. Meaning, I rode beautifully most morning, felt relaxed, absolutely happy and fairly capable. The swings were regular and everything seemed to flow. During the afternoon, we arrived at a really steep and slightly icy slope, which made me a bit wary. I approached it slowly, which made me slide a bit and after a few crooked swings, I fell and slid about ten meters down the slope. I didn't hurt myself at all and couldn't care less about looking stupid, but my mind got all tense straight away and for the rest of the day, my snowboarding looked and felt a lot worse than before. I started to worry about icy patches on the slopes and all kinds of other things, all the while trying to relax my mind and getting even more upset because it didn't work completely. Of course I was also getting tired after many hours of snowboarding, but what prevented me from using my full potential was clearly my mind. And while I was determined to keep going until 5pm when the lifts closed, I had to talk my friend into finishing off with a hot rum drink at 4pm instead of doing the long slope again. Well, talking into it is saying a bit much, one word was basically enough and we were sitting at the snowbar (see picture).
I know that wasn't all that amazingly interesting either. But it was worth a thought, I would say. And in order to prevent myself from getting under pressure again next time, I already promise now that I will write something boring. Real boring. Bet you're looking forward to that.
Thank you for encouraging Karin to Blog. (Karin in Wonderland)
It is really fun. Thats how I got here. I like your stuff so far. Are you in Australia permanently...or travelling about?
March 2, 2006 at 9:10 AM
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