Just another day in the life of a blessed child

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Everthing will be good

I thought it was about time to mention that I was still alive. All is good in the land of Bettina- well, most of it, anyway. And whatever is not good, will be good, in due time. I really do believe that. I've got this saying on a card somewhere, "Everything will be good in the end. If it's not good, it's not the end." And while that sounds like a bit of a joke at first, I think it's a hidden piece of wisdom. I like it a lot.

I have to say I feel a bit strange today. For no particular reason, but I guess that's half of the reason why the strange feeling is strange... if you know what I mean. Because it seems random. I feel a bit like the main character in a black and white movie, but nobody is watching. I can see and hear the people around me, but they are in a different world. If that makes any sense. And if it doesn't make any sense, don't worry about it. You'll get an idea of how I feel today. But please don't get worried- everything will be fine in the end. As always and ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi & welcome back. I know what you mean about the strange. I caught up with a few Eeyore quotes from a fave book (AA Milne's Pooh Bear) and in it Eeyore says ...

If it seems as though you haven't "felt at all how" for a long time, look behind you. It could be that your tail is missing.
And later ...
When your tail is missing, remember that you have every right to Mope!
It will be good. Cheers.

March 29, 2006 at 4:26 PM

Blogger Karin said...

i know so well what you are talking about :) It wasn't long ago that i felt like screaming "the next time my life turns into a movie, at least i ought to be a director!"
But it will be fine. Sometimes it only takes longer, like months and months and months... oh, i better stop now :)

April 1, 2006 at 6:47 PM


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