Should I stay or should I go

I know. It's about time for an update. I do know. And I could start babbling on about hectic schedules and exams and having been crazy busy and it would all be true, but- hands up who does not want to hear it! That makes two of us already.
Anyway. I'm in a bit of a crisis at the moment, but in a good way- as far as that's possible. Times of change are always also times of opportunity, but I guess the freedom of too many opportunities can at the same time be limiting. Choice is wonderful, but crossways also make us hesitate and worry- sometimes less choice is easier.
My friend Paula and me always have this discussion about whether life would be easier if we'd never left home. She usually starts talking about it when she feels a bit lost and then wonders if she wouldn't be just as happy or happier at home, having never seen the world, but also not knowing what it's like. I can see where she's coming from, but I need to disagree. Not only in terms of travelling and living abroad, but also in terms of generally exposing yourself to risk -and life!- and ups and downs, I have always been an advocate of living life fearlessly and fully. I believe, in the end, it's always worthwhile trading in steady mediocracy for higher ups and lower downs. Everything in life is a risk and everything can and does hurt. But everything also has the potential to be beautiful for those who are ready to see the beauty. I think there's nothing wrong with staying in the same place and being content while not knowing how beautiful, amazing and sad the world out there is- there is no right or wrong way. But having opened that door once and let the world in, we cannot close it anymore. Knowledge cannot be undone. Now we're exposed to the world and have more choice, which can be painful- but it's good too. I wouldn't want it any other way.
I've been thinking a lot about these things lately. About how important geographical closeness is to your family and old friends and if you should trade some of the adventure in for it, or if keeping the closeness in your heart can be enough. Basically, if I should stay or go. I'm walking towards the crossroad, once again, and I'm not sure yet which way I'm going to take. I tend to believe though that there is no wrong decision- every way can be made right. Sounds easier than it is.
Hey Betts is back. Yay! You always manage to come up with an interesting post even though they are not so often. It's cool that you're busy having a life girl. My wisdom, such as it is, have your adventure while you are young enough to truly enjoy it. No guarantees in this life and you don't want to be reaching a stage in later life where you are regretting what you didn't do. You are right, it always goes with a risk, but it is a risk that is worth it. A life half-lived is no life at all. A loving family is always with you, no matter where you are in the world. You always keep them in your heart, no matter where the body is. They know it. Let us know in a future post what you decide. Cheers.
July 8, 2006 at 8:07 PM
I am not sure if you should stay or you should go, but I am sure you should continue to post pictures of yourself.
July 15, 2006 at 1:57 AM
Hi Bettina. Watch out for that Chris. He'll make you wife #5 in that Harem of his. LOL
(It's sort of a long distance club he's got going with a few lady bloggers, so we indulge him and pretend to fight over his favours)
Yes - I need a dream interpretation book I think. Very weird. LOL
July 19, 2006 at 2:43 PM
Oh I see. You are humouring me... :)
July 19, 2006 at 4:22 PM
No doubt it is Helena, and I must say you are very good at it.
July 20, 2006 at 6:17 AM
Can I just say, without offending anyone, that being in a harem is not on my list of desires. However, I'm always up for humouring guys, so you can definitely count me in for that, Aggs and Helena. I would never let down the girls.
July 21, 2006 at 10:35 AM
Maybe you just prefer to be the haremer rather than the haremee?
July 22, 2006 at 1:42 AM
Ahem.... no, Chris. But thanks for asking.
July 23, 2006 at 12:32 AM
LOL - I knew you were a sensible girl.
July 26, 2006 at 9:29 PM
I really miss you and your writings are tangentially...
Even if you stay home, at the same place, for your whole life, you cannot escape of getting exposed to your world - Knowledge cannot be undone, and it’s everywhere if you’re eager to find it!
Ich hoffe ich gsehn Dich bald wieder, ich chan so mitfühle ;-) Du schribsch genial!
Liebi Grüess und 1000 Küss
July 27, 2006 at 9:15 PM
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