This is serious.
The moment I noticed that this state of emergency has come upon me was when I was at my parents' place, in the kitchen, cooking dinner. The TV was on, and suddenly I noticed that I was dancing wildly through the kitchen to the tacky songs of the COMMERCIALS! I mean, excuse me! Helloooo! Commercials! Honestly. And they weren't even any good. Pretty bad, as a matter of fact.
The thing is, I haven't had a really big night out with lots of dancing in a little while. And I do need them kind of regularly, like other people need other things, like air and stuff. The thing is, since I have moved back to Switzerland, my weekend activities have changed a bit. A lot of my old friends here think that it's more important to have babies and stuff instead of going out dancing their arses off with me. Others again feel the need to fall pregnant or think they are too old to go out dancing. Not all of them, of course, but still, my dancing shoes have been just a touch neglected.
So, the way I see it, something needs to be done about this. Because next time, it could be found in my mum's kitchen dancing to Brittney Spears. And when I realise what I'm doing, I might drop dead. And because I think I'm too young to die, I better go and work out an emergency plan now.
Oh yeah, and if anybody feels the urge to try to dance me off the floor, please, I urge you, come forward, and by all means, do try. I WILL destroy you, but you can always try.
Seeing as that I need a night out to celebrate my birthday, I would take you up on your offer. However, since people tend to stick their wallets, belts or other leather accessories in my mouth when I start dancing. I think that (a) you would win if I tried to dance you off the floor and (b) we would both get tired of telling everyone that I am not having a seizure, that is just how I dance.
November 4, 2008 at 9:21 AM
if enough matter accumulates in one area, it makes a wall.
These walls enclose a person like a hut with a conical roof.
matter builds around you, and eventually in you, gathering around your heart and starving your spirit, until you become a hausfrau.
dancing removes the accumulated clutter of everyday life.
dancing is a cure for diabetes, bleeding eyes, heartache, wrinkles and a host of other diseases.
dancing is an aid to digestion. importantly, dancing over a fire loosens the bowels, making one especially attractive for sex.
be antimatter, break down those walls and dance!
November 4, 2008 at 11:50 AM
"So, the way I see it, something needs to be done about this. Because next time, it could be found in my mum's kitchen dancing to Brittney Spears. And when I realise what I'm doing, I might drop dead."
Oh...You crack me up girl! You really do :D
November 5, 2008 at 2:14 AM
why the hell do I suffer from this too?? Do you reckon that, maybe, we left our dancing shoes back in Australia??? I've been having this same urge to dance... maybe we should do a dancing video conference or something like that. Or maybe we should go back to Australia to pick up those naughty little dancing shoes...
Beijos grandes!!!
November 5, 2008 at 5:41 AM
why the hell do I suffer from this too?? Do you reckon that, maybe, we left our dancing shoes back in Australia??? I've been having this same urge to dance... maybe we should do a dancing video conference or something like that. Or maybe we should go back to Australia to pick up those naughty little dancing shoes...
Beijos grandes!!!
November 5, 2008 at 5:41 AM
Larry- Hahahaha... I would definitely love to see you dance. With lots of leather wallets in your mouth, doing a seizure-dance. That has got to be priceless. I think you would be awarded a special price for that.
Sera- You are a gem. I love how you always come up with this stuff. And believe me, baby, I'm not letting those walls get any higher than my knees. Less work to break them down later on.
Imogen- Oh, thank you my dear. Glad to be of service.
Paulinha- Babe, why are you so smart? A dancing conference, I love it! You're not just a pretty face, are you? But as a matter of fact, I like your second idea even better. Let's meet up in Oz and dance until we drop. Great idea! Miss you so much.
November 5, 2008 at 8:54 AM
What has happened here in America? The peaceful transition of Power. The Democrats have full power in both the House and Senate. It is in their hands now. That may cause some to Dance in the Kitchen to Britney Spears tunes...You now have reason to go out and dance till the dawn.
November 5, 2008 at 7:04 PM
Is it Wednesday? Ok.. my dancing weekend hasn't started yet. My feet usually need a few days recovery.
I'm all yours...
if the miles weren't so evil! Blasted!
Vegas Baby.
November 6, 2008 at 1:35 AM
Oh, Bettina - I dance in my kitchen to commercials all the time. I think I need one of those dance parties, as well. However, instead of trying to dance anyone off the floor, let's say we all just join each other on the floor and all dance together, eh?
November 6, 2008 at 2:47 AM
This sounds very serious, indeed!
Get out and do it babe!!!!
November 6, 2008 at 2:53 AM
... and keep out of the kitchen while the TV is on, before You got a fork in Your head, while doing some rocky stuff with Your arms.
November 6, 2008 at 2:56 AM
I'm not a dancer. The way I dance is more like a "call the paramedics I think he's having a seizure" kind of dance. You'd beat me with your eyes closed.
November 6, 2008 at 2:00 PM
I think we have the same dreams. I've thought about being in a dance off too. I win everytime. It's not even a close competition.
November 6, 2008 at 6:12 PM
dancing is excellent exercise and keeps the blood flowing, so your legs will now swell in old age....
so tell all your friends who have no time to dance to make the time....
November 6, 2008 at 7:18 PM
Mystic- It's not like I ever need a reason to dance... I'm quite happy to just dance for the hell of it. Anytime.
Ms Blither- I am on the next plane to Vegas, baby! Get your dancing shoes out!
Callie- You dance in your kitchen to commercials all the time? Really? That's awesome. You're my new hero. But still- I will have to dance you off the floor. You can't get out of this. Sorry.
Ann-Lys- Don't worry about me, I'm a pro. And I always do rocky stuff with my arms. Very rocky stuff.
YSB- Ok, you're on. I think it would be a sight to be seen: A guy having a seizure on the dance floor and a girl dancing with her eyes closed, bumping into chairs and tables all the time. Nice.
Ace- Are you challenging me? I think you are. I think you want a dance-off. You're a brave man. But I like your style.
EM- Tell me about it! It's pretty much good for everything. What more could you want?
November 7, 2008 at 8:24 AM
do people with two left feet dance in circles?
November 7, 2008 at 10:41 AM
wait, I don't get it!
Are you in Switzerland now?
I mean, those Swiss have kitchens too!
November 8, 2008 at 1:17 AM
Dancing in Mom's kitchen to commercials--that sounds like a sure sign. You must go. Go! Shut 'em all down and then tell us all about it. We old farts with crooked feet and bad knees want to live vicariously through you.
November 8, 2008 at 10:47 AM
fell across your blog....i'll be back great stories....viewing your archive.
November 9, 2008 at 2:03 PM
Sera- I'm pretty sure they do. Or sometimes they might do a seizure dance, as it seems.
Zee- Yeah, I'm in Switzerland... And yes, we do have kitchens... now I don't get it.
a.decker- Old farts with crooked feet you say? I think you're just making this up because you're scared to lose in a dance-off against me.
BTW, I did go last night, and had a great time.
Nymph- I like when people fall across my blog. Hope you didn't hurt yourself though.
November 10, 2008 at 7:53 AM
We need a world wide Dance Fest ... lets start organising it at once! And of course, that means I'll need new shoes .... (runs off to shops!)
To hell with the preggers brigade - if it means stopping dancing ... NEVER!
November 10, 2008 at 8:40 AM
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