Special my ass

A good friend told me the other day how she met this guy at a concert and they ended up kissing. It was theoretically quite a beautiful story and I was happy for her, but I didn't trust the guy from the start. That's the cynical kind of bitch I am at the moment. At least sometimes. Funnily enough, the guy ended up telling her he was just quickly going to go to the toilets and never came back. But before that, he didn't forget to tell her a few of the essential sweet nothings, like, "you are a very special kind of girl" and how special this moment was for him. I lost it. "Special my ass! Men are all full of shit!" My friends thought it was pretty funny. I was a bit worried about myself- where's the little Mrs. Everything-is-so-beautiful? I mean, it's not as if this is the first time I was hurt. Not at all. But at the moment, I'm just over guys who promise the world and then dissapear. Fair enough, they might feel a bit of love at the moment and feel the need to let it out, but if they're not sure whether they are still going to feel the same way tomorrow, could they be a bit more considerate and maybe not talk about enternal love and the future yet? I know I will get back to my old trusting self soon enough, or at least I hope so. So there is no reason to worry at all (ok, mum?). But for the time being, you might want to be a bit careful before you tell me how special I am.