Just another day in the life of a blessed child

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Not smoking kills me tonight

I haven't smoked a single cigarette in the last three weeks. Could I please have a little round of applause? That would do my poor suffering soul a world of good, because I am in pain tonight.

The thing is, I was never a heavy smoker. I was an occasional social smoker for years and even at the worst of times I would usually only smoke a few cigarettes a day. Apart from the occasional big night out where I would go a bit over the top. But I've been thinking. I'm turning thirty next year and apparently that makes people think. I figured it might be a good idea to stop smoking before I'm thirty. To be honest, I don't know how the hell smoking and turning thirty are related, but my little brain somehow made the connection and I went along with it.

Actually, more than the turning thirty thing, it was probably the fact that I woke up about three weeks ago and felt like I had eaten an ashtray the night before, which is not a good feeling. And I wouldn't usually get that. I thought to myself, enough is enough. So I didn't smoke that day. And then I got sick and didn't smoke for another week. And then I thought, what the hell, I might go along with this for a bit.

Apparently people are over the physical addiction in a few days. But the head is the problem. I notice how much I miss all the little rituals I had. Sitting with Michelle before we go to bed and having a little debrief of the day with a glass of red wine and a cigarette. Rewarding myself after two hours of studying with a cigarette break. Sitting on a table in the sun, reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. Sigh.

I haven't been saying to people or even to myself "I quit". I'm kind of just going along with this, saying that I'm having a break and see what happens. Maybe this is a bit like my current commitment phobia, where I get into a relationship but refuse to call it that. I'm not smoking at the moment but I don't call it quitting in order to leave myself the backdoor open so I could smoke again without feeling like I'm a failure. Which, I admit, is terrible, and please feel free to tell me what a low kind of person I am. But at least I'm not smoking at the moment, which I figure is better than nothing. And I have been so strong, you would be proud of me. Sitting around with a bunch of smoking friends without batting an eye lid. While inside, I was crying.

But I tell you what. I would kill for a cigarette tonight. I'm trying to study and I'm so desperate for a cigarette break that I'm considering smoking my pencil. God help me.


Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

So You like my boobs ... but not my boots? :-/

August 20, 2007 at 6:29 AM

Blogger MYSTIC said...

Did I miss something? Are we talking Boobs or Butts (Cigarettes)? Here is my view: You say you are not a Heavy Smoker but a Social Smoker..Bull! You just described yourself as an addicted smoker. Your the one who loves truth, so call it like it is..YOUR ADDICTED! BUT! you have beaten the physical part, now all you have to do is beat the Mental Addiction. How? Say to yourself I DON'T SMOKE! I'm a non-smoker. OVER AND OVER AND OVER. You have to get rid of that idea of I'm trying to quit or you already lost. You are a non-smoker. Over and Over until your mind knows it too.

August 20, 2007 at 7:05 AM

Blogger Bettina said...

Dr Anna-Lys- I don't mind the boots either. :-)

Mystic- Little misunderstanding there. When I said I was a social smoker for years, I meant before I got addicted. It is quite clear that I got addicted and I have no problem in admitting that. Human beings are addictive creatures. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, chocolate, coffee, greasy food, work, excercise, attention, shopping... those without an addiction shall throw the first stone.

But anyway. I know I can get over this, the problem is, I think, that I'm not really that desperate to. Because I don't smoke that much, it never really impacted negatively on me. I've always eaten healthy food, always excercised and felt fit. I never got to the stage where I felt disgusted by the smoking because it would make me feel terrible (apart from that morning three weeks ago). So we'll see. I think I'm doing fine so far.

August 20, 2007 at 8:40 AM

Blogger SJ said...

Have you tried patchies?

No Bettie No! No Bettie No! Noooooooooooo Bettie!!


August 20, 2007 at 5:49 PM

Blogger Callie said...

I am SOOOOOOOoooooo proud of you Bettina!!! You can soo do this!!! Keep on keepin on sister!


August 20, 2007 at 10:52 PM

Blogger MYSTIC said...

You have to start thinking of yourself as a NON SMOKER. When you start believing that you have it beaten...Take it from a three pack a day guy, who hasn't smoked in over 20 years. I'm a non smoker. Not a former smoker...not a trying to quit smoker..I'm a non smoker and so are you. Forget patches or gimics..change the way you think. YOU DO NOT SMOKE...get it in your head.

August 21, 2007 at 1:46 AM

Blogger Kate Michele said...

That is awesome girl!! Just think how much MORE healthy your body is now ;)

August 21, 2007 at 3:43 AM

Blogger Jerrster said...

Bettina not only is there health benefits from being a non-smoker...but add up the money spent on smokes...I never smoked but people I know say they spend lots of $ on buying them.... I say save that money and buy expensive wine and champagne...then you just have to worry about being an alkie...with no creepy smoker's laugh.

August 21, 2007 at 4:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do it! Quit! Inspire me to be a nonsmoker. And then when you've finally done it. And I'm bitching and still pissing and moaning and .. Well Being a major bitch because I'm still trying to quit remind me why I'm quitting.

Stinks LIKE Rotten Dirt (hate the way I smell after a good bar night)
Premature Wrinkles.


Scarying myself.

That should do me for about a week.

please remind me in about a week why I need to quit smoking again.

August 22, 2007 at 4:44 PM

Blogger Bettina said...

SJ- Hahaha, nice one! That is such a corny commercial.

Callie- Thank you my friend. I'm a bit proud of myself too. :-)

Mystic- I get the impression you feel really strongly about this. But fair enough too, after being a three pack a day smoker, wow! That's a hell of a lot of cigarettes!

Kate Michelle- Thanks sweetie. I kind of expected to be miraculously twice as fit suddenly but it hasn't happend yet... :-) I'm sure it will soon though, fingers crossed.

Jerry- Now we're talking! I love your argument with the expensive wine and champagne. That works better for me than the "smoking is baaaaaad" thing. And just for the records, I never had a creepy smokers laugh.

Blither- Nice job there scaring yourself. I might drop by at yours in about a week and give you an extra patronising talk on the benefits of non-smoking and the eeeeevils of smoking. And how evil smokers are. Don't you hate those ex-smokers who become so patronising and righteous? I think they are the worst. Nothing against speaking from experience, but get outta here with the righteousness. I promise I won't be like that, but I will scare you a bit if you would like me to.

You're funny.

August 23, 2007 at 12:22 PM

Blogger MYSTIC said...

I'm not bad around smokers, but if you want help quiting I'm the guy. You won't believe the hell I went through quiting because I liked smoking...

August 24, 2007 at 4:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'm an ex smoker to. Gave up about 15+ yrs ago. Never regretted it. I just decided one day that as I was born a non-smoker and didn't need it for the first 17 years of my life, I could do it again. So, I stopped. They say it takes 21 days to break a habit and I crawled up the wall for about 2 weeks and then by end of week 3 had finally got on the winning side. Yeeha! Keep going, keep going. You can do it.

August 24, 2007 at 8:23 PM

Blogger Katie McKenna said...

Good luck! You can do whatever you choose to do! :)

August 25, 2007 at 3:40 AM

Blogger Chris said...

This is the worst picture of you ever! Best of luck on quitting. I had asthma as a child so I (fortunalty) avoided that habit. My son just quit because it was too expensive. I have another friend who quit because she was turning 30 too. Maybe you should have turned 30 earlier in your life?

August 27, 2007 at 12:49 AM

Blogger Chris said...

P.S. Does anyone have a link to the post the first commenter was talking about?

August 27, 2007 at 12:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely understand how you feel...I "quit" 2+ years ago and still get those craves. I guess you're always an ex (and never a non) smoker :roll:
Hang on in there & best of luck to you!!!

August 27, 2007 at 3:59 AM


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