Just another day in the life of a blessed child

Monday, August 06, 2007

The piano has been drinking (not me)

I've been listening to a lot of Tom Waits lately. I'm completely addicted to his CD "The heart of Saturday night". The other day, I listened to "San Diego Serenade" about seven times in a row. Ok, ok, so I get a bit obessive, so what? Anyway, one of my other favourite songs is "The piano has been drinking (not me)." I think it's hilarious. And not only that, it is smart. What a fantastic idea- the man blames the piano for the drinking. I should do things like that more often.

And in fact, that's exactely what I have decided to do. I need to get more creative when blaming others. I'm much too nice, always taking the blame myself when I should. But that's over now. If I don't have a piano at hand, why not blame something else for my drinking, say, my boots? "Man, those boots have been drinking again tonight! They can barely walk straight! Bad, bad boots!" Or: "Look at those stairs, they must have been drinking all night. They are all over the shop." You can of course use this strategy for other situations as well, such as: "Sorry boss, my pillow slept in again this morning." "The bus was hangover and grumpy and refused to stop for me." "My coffee cup was sick this morning."

This opens a whole new world of possibilities. And it's much more fun than "the dog ate my homework."


Blogger Lélly Abranches said...

The piano has been drinking (not me) song is great! And I am totally for the idea of blaming my boots everytime I go out because it's true, they do drink a lot with all the alcohol that people spill on it! That's the reason that I walk funny to the taxi line at 6am!!

Let's blame everything else, if it's not the whole truth it is at least funny!!

August 6, 2007 at 10:43 PM

Blogger Jerrster said...

I've been a Tom Waits fan from when he first hit the music scene...a favorite of mine is "Diamonds on my windshield" a wonderful poetic piece about driving from Los Angeles to San Diego where he lived...I've driven that route....and sad to say the Orange Drive-in has been gone for years. I love his work.

August 7, 2007 at 4:44 AM

Blogger MYSTIC said...

I would have made more of a comment but my computer was made in China and doesn't understand English...Bad Computer!

August 7, 2007 at 7:35 AM

Blogger Bettina said...

Mi- Those bloody alcoholic boots of yours are terrible. How did a nice responsible girl like you ever come across hard drinking boots like that?

Jerry- I see you're a man of excellent taste. I love "Diamonds on my windshield" too.

Mystic- I think your computer is just lazy.

August 8, 2007 at 3:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like to blame the following:
My shoes
My glasses...sometimes the are crooked..which leads to my next one:
My ears...they make my glasses crooked on my face...
My shirt buttons...
My kids...hell, why not? They can always be blamed for drinking. I just heard my Mother of the Year award fly past my head...maybe next year.

August 9, 2007 at 12:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blame my cat entirely ... she is the most irresponsible cat I have ever come across.
I also blame apples. There is always one rotten one tht spoils it for the rest .. and it takes sooooo long to locate it in amongst all the other apples. Well disguised and hard to find.
And my wahing machine is a kleptomaniac that steals things and drinks enough to fill ... well a tub!
Anything that cannot be located will have been eaten by that damn machine.

August 10, 2007 at 3:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

(At a time when some comic relief is much needed)
Thanks for a hilarious post :lol:!!!

August 27, 2007 at 3:47 AM


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