Hi, my name is Bettina and I live here.
Yes, yes, yes. I know. I has been way to long. So shame on me. You can tar and feather me, call me names and spit on me, as long as you only do it virtually. And as long as you don't mean it, of course. But thank you to those of you who have told me they missed me- you are stars and of course make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I actually have been back from India for about a month, but somehow just had a total lack of motivation to write my blog. Slack, I know, and a pathetic excuse, but it happens to the best of us, or so I hear. Anyway. Considering I have been absent for such a long time, it would probably be appropriate for me to write a big fat update now, but sadly that's not gonna happen as it is late and I've got an early morning tomorrow and have been having some monster days lately. I just wanted to drop by and tell you that I'm still alive and that I still love you and that it's not you, it's me. I swear.
Oh yeah, and here are some impressions from India. I will be back soon, and if not, you can tar and feather me for real. As long as you don't mean it.