Hey! Hey! Hey! It's a Seinfeld moment

That's me enyoing my new freedom. I know. I have been very selfish and have used my free time to go out and party hard instead of updating my blog. I have been letting you guys down. By all rights, I should be blogging all the time now, seeing that I have a lot more time. But I think I must be missing the temptation of procrastination. Doing things like blogging is so much fun when you should in fact be doing something else. It's just not quite the same doing it completely guilt-free. Yeah... I'm full of good intentions with not much behind it. But I promise I will try to be a bit more responsible at some stage in the near future (cough). Not the too near future though. Ahem.
Anyway. I've got a funny little story to tell. Paula and me went out for a couple of Martinis and Margaritas the other day. Martinis for me, Margaritas for Paula. She loves the bloody things, after she has just discovered they exist... and now she can't stop drinking them. She's all like "Oh my god, where have I been all this time? How come me and Margaritas both existed all this time and we never met?" It's the cutest thing. But that's not really the story here.
We went out for dinner with Phil at our local Chinese a bit later. It's called "The mad Chinaman" and I can tell you what, nomen est omen. The owner is, well... mad. No, seriously. He comes out during dinner with a microphone and sings weird songs. The crowd goes nuts over it. They all start getting up and dance and sing and stuff. You don't even feel like you're at a restaurant, you feel like you're in some country town pub.
This middle aged guy with a huge beer gut was really drunk and started to shimmy through the restaurant, shaking his stuff. The whole scene was getting rather bizzare. Next thing we know, he takes his shirt off, in the middle of the restaurant. His white belly is absolutely massive and hangs over his belt. Everyone is like, aheeemm, oooook. Put that belly back into the shirt. Now. But instead he opts to sit down at our table, all naked and stuff, and starts a conversation by using only one word. Hey! Hey! Hey! He looks around, seeking our approval. Hey! Now he tries to shake our hands and do some strange "south-side-gimme-five" hand movements. We were at a bit of a loss. Although we must have been a bit drunk after a couple of bottles of wine, we just weren't quite sure whether this was all really happening. It was such a classic surreal moment, in perfect Seinfeld fashion.
Hey - it was that fat man from the 3rd row ... his feelings were probably hurt that you didn't recognise him. lol
Another great photo, but why are you wearing a neon sign on the top of your head???
bw I had to wear the high heels to shop ... she refuses to be seen with me if I wear my comfy joggers. lol.
Glad you are having fun with all that free time ... enjoy!
November 12, 2006 at 7:56 PM
Don't tell me you took him home with you...
November 12, 2006 at 8:30 PM
Aggs- my God, you could be right. Didn't even occur to me, but it was exactely like that- nothing was real apart from the fat guy at the other table... or was it the other way around? I really do hope he won't follow me around on a regular basis though.
Chris- ahemm, no. Do I look like I'm into drunken weirdos with fat beer guts?
November 12, 2006 at 9:00 PM
By the way, Aggie, wearing neon signs on your head is all the rage in Australia at the moment. Hasn't New Zealand caught on to the trend yet? I think it goes really well with my eyes.
November 12, 2006 at 9:01 PM
How about sober wierdos with fat beer guts? Or drunken wierdos with no beer guts?
November 12, 2006 at 10:04 PM
No drunken wierdos with fat beer guts? Darn. I was so hoping I had a future with you.
I am surprised that Aggs is not up on the latest fashions, seeing as she is in the industry and all. No wonder she did not win the Mercedes.
November 12, 2006 at 10:04 PM
Ahhh ... a fashion trend setter. I suspected it all along. It does show off your eyes ... no doubt about it.
Where does one purchase a neon head sign ... just so I can get the trend set over here.
You know I'll happily go out flashing it all about!
The Mercedes is not up for grabs until New Years Day in N.Z. at the ellerslie Races ...
And the Melbourne Cup is getting too cheap for words. Their prize was a Saab ... but only hireage for 1 year. Hardly worth the trip across the ditch! lol
Give my regards to the Fat guy next time he follows you around ... Hey!
November 13, 2006 at 7:38 AM
My God,
tell me about that nut case??? Hey, hey, hey... I was drunk already by the time he took his shirt off but I started to sober up after watching that scene (not really!). But is was a great night!!!
November 13, 2006 at 10:45 AM
SJ- Sober weirdos with fat beer guts? Not really. Drunken weirdos with no beer guts? Maybe in exeptional circumstances. ;-)
Chris- lol! Sorry to destroy your hopes.
Aggs- just get a neon sign from the hardware shop. They're great for attracting drunken weirdos with fat beer guts too, in case you're into that.
Paulinha- so true! That sight should have been enough for us to sober up if I we hadn't already been so drunk...
November 13, 2006 at 5:16 PM
Fat Albert Copy Cat....and a coal miners daughter...What a night! I thought it was a bad dream...NOW you have something to blog about.
November 14, 2006 at 5:16 AM
So, I see there was plenty of cottage cheese warbling about that evening. Since you said nothing, I assume at least the guy's BO was under control, which is one consolation midst the whole debacle... where all else was pulsating and whirling out of orbit...
November 14, 2006 at 7:13 AM
I see, I see. Only like thin men, huh? You and every other girl in the world!
November 14, 2006 at 3:15 PM
I can lose wieght.
November 18, 2006 at 6:57 PM
That's not true actually, I don't only like thin men. I'll rather have a compassionate, charismatic, smart, caring, passionate and funny guy with a bit of a gut than a boring, dumb, inconsiderate, thin one.
November 21, 2006 at 11:29 PM
Big problem Betts ... those sort of guys are usually all gay ... sigh!
November 22, 2006 at 5:52 PM
Interesting observation , Aggie! Have you come to this conclusion via research or via personal experience? Do you mean compassionate, charismatic, smart, caring, passionate and funny guys are usually gay, or are the thin guys gay, or both? Honestly, this is not a setup. (Ich will dich nicht ausgrenzen, Bettina; kannst dich auch gern äußern :-).
November 23, 2006 at 2:16 AM
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