Just another day in the life of a blessed child

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dear doctor, please help me.

I have this problem. I am completely and utterly incapable of going to bed early. Don't ask me why, I really have no idea, but I'm guessing it must either have something do to with my childhood maybe (universal excuse no.1 for pretty much everything, but starting to get a bit old now) or it might be some illness. I'd say that's what it is, and surely there must be a name for it too. I might have to google that.

It really is quite bad, and I think it's getting worse. I've always been more of a night person, but now it's just getting ridiculous. Take for example tonight. I got home at 11.30pm after the movies, which is pretty early for me. Now I could have just gone to bed then, for example. Or, alternatively, I could stay up until 1am, which is now, and carry on like a fool and do nothing of value. Not even the fact I have to get up early the next day would cause me to go bed at a reasonable time. When people yawn at 10pm and say that they should really hit the sack now because they need to get up the next day at 7am, I look at them as if they were some kind of a freak. Which more than likely they probably are, but that's besides the point here. More to the point is probably the fact that I am a freak. But at least there is hope for me- because illnesses usually have a cure, right? Ok, well, let me just google that now. It should only take me an hour or so, and then I promise I'll go to bed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too am a night owl ... but I hate to get up early the next morning. I'd rather sleep in.

August 23, 2008 at 5:22 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I do like sleeping in too, if I have the option, but I also don't like to waste the morning. That's right... I want it all!

August 23, 2008 at 7:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vampireism. You're one of the Undead. :)

August 23, 2008 at 7:17 PM

Blogger MYSTIC said...

It would seem to me, that your concern is you are not normal. Sleep changes based on need and age. As a young teen I would stay up late, but in the morning I could sleep forever, but I had to work so I would get about 6 hrs sleep. As I grew older I could get bye with about 3 to 4 hours of sleep. Now that I am much older I sleep in spurts, an hour here or a halve hour there but still run on 3 to 6 hours. So I don't think you need to seek medical attention unless you can't function. I do not think you are an INSOMNIAC, which is an "inability to sleep", yours seems to be a sleep pattern. You could just be INSANE which means a different kind of doctor visit. It does not sound like "Sleep Apnea" which is a breathing disorder during sleep. My "serious advice" is to ask your doctor about it during your next scheduled appointment. If you are exhausted all the time, you could need his help sooner. If you function normally during the day, at work, and at home I would not be overly concerned but I would still ask the doc anyway. He is going to bill you anyway, so why not make him work. Don't lose any sleep over it though...

P.S. The flowers grown inside the house (see pic)is a nice place to bury old boy friends. Why not? Your awake anyway. (Your hard wood floors are too nice to garden on anyway)

August 23, 2008 at 8:58 PM

Blogger MYSTIC said...

P.P.S. I need to get some sleep, because my first sentence is grammatically atrocious to me now, and the use of spell check is so foreign to me. Note to self: Check before pushing publish button.

August 23, 2008 at 9:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

in old people, it's called sundowner's syndrome.
otherwise, if you sincerely desire to sleep, get married and have children.
9pm bedtime won't come soon enough.

August 24, 2008 at 8:50 AM

Blogger Larry said...

I don't think there is anything wrong with not sleeping. I regularly go to bed at 1-1:30a and get up at 5:30a. When I was married I used to get about 7-8 hrs of sleep a night. But, with work, school and a social life, it is damn near impossible to get much sleep. I use my weekends to get at least one good night of sleep. Normally up until 1-2a and sleep until someone calls me in the morning around 10. You just seem like you don't want to miss out on anything. Your body will make you sleep when you really need it.

August 24, 2008 at 10:02 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, how I feel your pain...
Have to get up at 6am every day and still can't get myself to go to bed before 1am on most nights.
If it's indeed an illness, I think it might be slowly killing me :lol:
Let me know what the late night Googling comes up with :P

August 24, 2008 at 5:13 PM

Blogger Zee said...

Sleep, what the heck is that? My cat sleeps all the time though.
Maybe one can learn from cats...

August 24, 2008 at 6:09 PM

Blogger Rick Rockhill said...

Funny enough I am exactly the opposite. I am incapable of staying up last 10 pm, and in the mornings I can't sleep past 6 am

August 25, 2008 at 3:09 AM

Blogger Bettina said...

SJ- That's it! Why didn't I think of that myself? Thanks for the tip. Now I just have to find the cure.

Mystic- So sweet of you to actually consider my problem seriuosly when all that's wrong with me really is that I'm just a nutcase. I'm aware of that. And I wasn't really serious about the medical attention. I function normally and I'm not tired- I just stay up too late, but it's ok. Thank you though...

Sera- I guess it looks like I don't actually sincerely desire to sleep. Or surely otherwise I would. Thanks for the tip with the kids, but I don't think I'm that desperate right now.

Larry- Oh that's great, you do the same thing and you're still alive! Cool. I knew I wasn't that crazy.

Imogen- I will share my wisdom with you, sister, if I do find some. Otherwise, we might just have to found a vampires' club. You're in?

Zee- Oh yeah, we probably could learn a lot from cats indeed. They only do what they like, sleep whenever they feel like it and have a grand old time.

Palm Springs Savant- Really? Wow. So you're one of those people I would look at as if they were some kind of a freak. :-)

August 25, 2008 at 7:06 AM

Blogger MYSTIC said...

Glad to hear you are just NUTS...you fit in with all my other friends.

August 25, 2008 at 7:47 AM

Blogger ysfb said...

I have the same problem. I sleep late but wake up early. I can't stop getting up around 8 am. I think I have some kind of insomnia. I probably sleepwalk and rob banks in the middle of the night.

August 25, 2008 at 12:34 PM

Blogger kyknoord said...

You may be an alien and the planet you originally came from had a 28 hour day. That's why those childhood memories are so troubling. You know deep down that they're artificial.

August 25, 2008 at 4:15 PM

Blogger PJ van Zyl said...

does it matter as long as you are still functional the next day?
have a great week

August 25, 2008 at 6:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A steak. And garlic. And if that doesn't work at least you have dinner :)

August 25, 2008 at 10:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhhh you don't want to sleep! sounds like a great excuse to go out. :)

August 26, 2008 at 5:28 AM

Blogger Maria said...

Oh gosh... I wish I was a night owl like you. I sometimes get caught with bouts of insomnia but unfortunately of fortunately I am one of those who go early to bed early! lol Hope you don't hate me! lol


August 26, 2008 at 11:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure...Start Goggling that too, just in case :P

August 26, 2008 at 4:31 PM

Blogger Bettina said...

Mystic- Good to know. I knew there was a reason we get along.

YSB- Would you rob a bank for me then in the middle of the night? I could do with some extra cash and I would say if you rob a bank while sleep walking, you can't be held responsible.

kyknoord- I am DEFINITELY running with this explanation. Because I can excuse all kinds of other things with it too. Love it.

Pete- You're absolutely right. It doesn't really. I just felt like mentioning it.

SJ- I'm vegetarian- so it'd better work or I'm stuck with garlic for dinner.

Sera- I like the way you think.

Girl on the run- I don't hate you at all. I quite like staying up late, I just don't like the fact that I often don't get much sleep. But it's really no big deal- I just like to exaggerate a bit.

Imogen- Good idea.

August 26, 2008 at 6:53 PM

Blogger Euromark said...

Some of this problem may come from living internationally - you live in several time zones and often think about what your important people are doing right now. But is it "wrong" to stay up so late? Or do you start suffering from sleep deprivation? Don't drink anything with caffeine in it for tha last half of the day, and when you come home late, don't turn any bright lights on or any music - muxmäuschen still... and maybe you will want to sleep.

August 27, 2008 at 5:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how to cure your "illness". Have a child. You will be in bed before 9pm each evening. Yes, no charge here...that's a freebie!

August 28, 2008 at 3:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, obviously you're not the only one with this "disease," but I definitely have it ,too. Since childhood. I mean look, it's past 1:00 AM, and here I am browsing the blogosphere.

Seriously though, I once lived without electricity for about two months. Asleep every night before 10 PM. Hmmm?

August 31, 2008 at 4:20 PM


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