My afternoon of glory

I'm feeling much better this week. After I handed in two big assignments on Monday and held a presentation, I decided I deserved a treat, so I took the afternoon off. First of all, I bought myself a coffee and just sat down for a while reading the paper. I've been hating people for doing that lately. I admit it's pathetic to hate people for doing something as innocent as having a coffee and reading the paper. But I had such little time for myself lately that I would be rushing past people sitting in a cafe thinking "you bastards". Yeah, it's bad, but on Monday I was finally one of those bastards again myself, which made me feel a lot better.
Then I went to do my grocery shopping. Not exactely a treat, I hear you say. Actually, for me it kind of is. It doesn't take much to make me happy- I love grocery shopping. When I walked past the bookshop, I decided to spoil myself and buy a book. I spent about 45 minutes browsing the glory that is a book store before I finally decided on Anne Tyler's new novel and thought I'd throw in a "home grown Blues and Roots" CD. And just to top it off, I decided I might as well also buy that beautiful big Picasso book. An absolute bargain at $34! I was definitely in one of those "What the hell" moods. The ones where you try to decide whether to buy a top and end up doing the "what the hell, I'll buy all three" thing. They can be expensive, these moods, but by god, they are good for the soul.
When I rode home on my scooter with all my treasures, I sang "Leaving on an airplane" really loud. I know that's supposed to be a sad song, but for some reason it's a really good song to sing on a scooter. I got home and had an hour before work to make myself a smoked salmon sandwich, listen to my new CD and flick through the Picasso book. Isn't life grand.