She's the one

Excuse me, everyone, but this is a historical moment. Would you mind sitting down for a moment and shutting up, so I can make an announcement. Thank you.
I have just bought my first guitar.
(Poignant pause.)
That's ok, you can clap. I know, I'm very excited too. You might think I'm making fun of it all here, but I'm actually deadly serious. I'm so emotional about this, it's not funny. I have been telling everyone about it, absolutely everyone. Even the lady on the bus stop and some random customers at work. My friends say I'm acting like a little kid at Christmas (which secretly, they think is kind of cool). I sat out on the terrace last night with my flatmates and held my guitar the whole time. I couldn't let go of it. And I found it hard to leave the house this morning, knowing that I would have to leave my guitar behind. I kissed her good bye when I eventually did. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can call me pathetic, I don't care.
I've wanted to play the guitar for a couple of years and have been talking about it a lot. I played instruments and studied music from when I was about 7 until about 19. I used to be pretty good, but then life kind of swallowed me up and I didn't find time anymore. I never really considered the idea of the guitar though until a couple of years ago, when all of a sudden the idea jumped on me and never let me go again. I was at a friend's cafe and shop the other day and spoke about the guitar again. My friend is a musician and has played the guitar for about 20 years or so. Suddenly he said: "Do you want to buy my old guitar?", disappeared inside his shop and came back with this beautiful, beautiful black guitar. I was in shock. I looked at it with my mouth open and just knew she was the one. It was love at first sight.
I don't have any aspirations of playing in a band or getting all sophisticated and technical- all I want to do is sit on the terrace and play the guitar. By myself. That's all I want to do. I'm so excited. So far, I can do G major, C major, E minor and D major. Apparently there's a song in that, but I haven't quite found it yet. The tips of my fingers are sore as hell, but it's all worth it. Now I just have to find a name for my guitar and I'll be set.
That's really cool. How about Black Beauty for your guitar? They are special. I learnt years ago and I'm sad to say didn't keep it up in later years. You can buy some neat videos on basic guitar lessons which will help you put that song together. Have fun.
Err, you might want to get over the kissing thing .. well in public at least! lol
November 23, 2006 at 7:27 PM
Aaah, learning guitar and sore fingers. So I guess you don't want to hear about the time the hardened skin on the tips of my fingers just floated off in the bath one day, because I'd been toughening it up through playing guitar for the first time...?
November 23, 2006 at 8:53 PM
What a nice set of strings! I play the guitar for my amazement and others amusement..Learned to play while I was in the Marines, keeps you from going bonkers. It isn't just a musical is a friend and companion. I have a great story about my guitar that I will share with you soon. Don't get discouraged, your song is just beginning. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
November 23, 2006 at 9:40 PM
I think you can already play every Beatles song ever written.
You should call your guitar Stringy. "Caue that would be funny.
November 24, 2006 at 5:43 AM
The fingers will develop a hard layer so that they won't be sore anymore. It's hard to find a better way to create a group feeling than sitting around with friends and playing the guitar and singing. Buy a book with movie songs that has guitarchords also, and take lessons too. All you need is a glass of red wine and you're set! Viel Spaß!
November 24, 2006 at 8:51 AM
I can't wait to have wine nights in the balcony under the moon with the sound of your guitar... that will make our nights even better...
So practice hard and let's rock, girl!!!
November 24, 2006 at 10:58 AM
Aggs: I was actually thinking I could call it "Black Betty"? As in that song, you know? Maybe it's a bit weird though calling it almost my own name.
I haven't really been kissing my guitar publicly. I only do it secretly. Or when friends are around who already know that I'm a nutcase.
SJ: No, I didn't really want to know that story, but thanks for sharing it anyway. :-) Are you serious? The hardend skin will come off in the bath? Because I can't wait to get calluses on my fingers.
Mystic: Thank you. I think you're absolutely right, I can feel that friend connection with my guitar already. :-) Please do share your guitar story, I would love to hear it!
Duckie: Cool! So maybe I can move onto Jimmi Hendrix now?
Ahem, Stringy? I think... not.
EM: Yeah, that hardened layer of skin is what I'm waiting for! Hope it won't take too long. Mhhm, red wine and guitar, what a tough life.
Paulinha: Well, it's not far off now. As long as you don't mind only hearing G major, C major, E minor and D major.
November 24, 2006 at 4:02 PM
Whatever you do, don't stop kissing the guitar... but be careful, because there may be some acid in body fluid that could eventually wear away the finish on the wood, and then you'd have a hootchie on the guitar! :-)
November 25, 2006 at 8:51 PM
Black Betty ... I like it. Definitely fits. Especially if it develops a hoochie! LOL.
November 26, 2006 at 8:03 AM
G major, C major, E minor and D major = Blowing in the wind
November 27, 2006 at 8:56 PM
E/ A/ B
Johnny B Goode
November 28, 2006 at 5:47 AM
I have been known to play a little guitar. I don't go for that multiple chord thing that others seem to though. Just one chord for me, thank you! Ok well maybe two when I want to stretch myself a little.
P.S. You are doing the right thing: never put it down!
November 28, 2006 at 9:12 AM
EM: I can live with that- it adds character to my guitar.
Aggs: Yeah, she definitely looks like a Black Betty. I think that could be it.
Jan: Really? Thank you! Let's see if I can put that together...
SJ: Is that right? I've learnt A major now as well, but don't know B yet. Must learn that later on today.
Chris: Oh, gee, yeah, I remember that. I was kinda hoping I would never have to see that again. ;-)
November 28, 2006 at 1:56 PM
Put a bar across the second fret with your first finger then play the same configeration as A on the fourth fret.
That's B
November 28, 2006 at 3:41 PM
Are you sure? That sounds impossible. How can I put a bar accross the second fret with a finger AND play in the fourth fret at the same time? I fear that not even my new hardend skin on my finger tips will help with that. :-)
November 28, 2006 at 4:20 PM
Haha yes I'm sure. Welcome to the wonderful world of bar chords...
F/ F#/ B/ Bb/ Bm/ Cm etc etc. You'll love 'em ;)
November 28, 2006 at 7:33 PM
They'll hurt at first but you'll soon learn to love them. Bit like sex ;)
November 28, 2006 at 7:35 PM
Looks like SJ is into S and M? That explains the unique photo...
November 29, 2006 at 3:38 AM
Sex? Did someone mention that word? What's sex?
November 30, 2006 at 4:58 PM
It's what you do after you whip someone, Abigail :)
November 30, 2006 at 5:08 PM
Interesting how even an innocent conversation about chords can eventually turn to the subject of whipping and kinky sex.
December 1, 2006 at 1:29 PM
SJ: How did you know what I do after I whip someone?
Kinky sex? what's that?
December 3, 2006 at 10:12 AM
Because I watch Paul Holmes on TV ;)
December 3, 2006 at 10:44 AM
You must've learned that chord by now - you've been playing it since 23 November ;)
December 3, 2006 at 11:21 AM
Bettina, I think many (there are exceptions) musicians do often drift freely into sex conversations. I remember orchestra and nicknames for various instruments and the abilities these instruments encouraged by those who played them...e.g. clarinets have the runs, french horns do it with their hand in the hole... igit!
December 4, 2006 at 8:07 AM
LOVE the picture:) Am a big fun of b/w...
December 14, 2006 at 10:11 PM
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