Just another day in the life of a blessed child

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I've been tagged. Thanks a lot.

Ok, let me get this straight. I'm only doing this because I'm a nice girl (of course I am! I you are going to doubt me in the comments section, you better have a very good reason). I'm not really into being tagged. But because Chris is mean, he tagged me with a stupid Christmas tag. And, as I said, because I'm nice, I'm complying.

Anyway. The rules are apparently to name three things I got for Christmas and then three things I didn't get for Christmas. Ok. Sounds exciting. I'm sure you cannot wait! Tension is rising! Ready? Sitting down?

I got:

1. A pair of red boots (from my best friend Paula. She is such a legend. I have wanted red boots for ages and have no idea how I have survived before without them. I think basically I need a pair of boots in most colours, a pair of sandals in most colours, high heels and open toed heels in most colours. Just as basics I mean. And then on top of that your sneakers, your little extras like a pair of cowboy boots, hiking boots, havaiannas and crap like that. Ok, ok, so I'm a little bit obsessed with shoes, so what? And you're like perfect or what? Give me a break.)

2. A book (whooo-hooo. Now that's waaaay out there, isn't it. But to tell you the truth, I love books so much that it is one of the only things that I can never have enough of. Apart from shoes I guess. And belts. I'm a lot worse with belts than with shoes actually. But anyway- I love books and one day I will have a huge house with a huge library. You know one of those where you need a ladder to get to the top shelfs. You mark my words.)

3. A painting (which my mum painted for me. I thought that was very bloody legendary. I mean, how cool is that? My mum painted a picture of Zurich and sent it all the way over to Australia. My mum is waaaay cool.)

Now three things I did not get (and did not want) for Christmas:

1. A ticket to see the cricket (because cricket is so boring. I cannot think of anything more boring. I'd rather watch grass grow. Ok... that's not my joke. But I like it.)

2. A box of mint chocolates (I know everyone is going to scream in shock about this one, as all you freaks out there seem to like mint chocolate. But I'm from Switzerland and in Switzerland we don't mess with our chocolate and put shit like mint in it. We have it straight and the way it's meant to be. Mint is ok if it's the fresh herb. Mint paste is only ok in toothpaste. Anywhere else, no. And especially nowhere near chocolate. That should be illegal.)

3. Skinny leg jeans (because I know what I look good in and skinny leg jeans are not on that list. And they should not be on the list of 95% of other women either. If you're not borderline annorexic and are trying to make yourself look fatter, don't wear them. And if you have a penis, don't wear them full stop.)

Now, because he's only a little bit but not completely mean, Chris spared me from having to tag other people. Thank God. Because Christmas is soooo, like, last month.


Blogger MYSTIC said...

OK lets get this straight? Your skinny legs jean thingy...what does men having a penis have to do with skinny leg jeans and what pray tell is a full stop...Does this have anything to do with someone messed with your chocolate...??? MEN DON'T BUY SKINNY LEG JEANS...NOT IN MY NECK OF THE WOODS ANYWAY...
PS Take a picture of your Mums Painting and post it..loved to see it. (if you want)

January 18, 2007 at 9:48 PM

Blogger Bettina said...

Well, Mystic. The skinny leg jeans thing is not so much about men HAVING a penis, it's just about men in general looking ridiculous in them. And, yeah, in this neck of the woods, they do wear them. Some of them anyway. Really skinny boys wear really skinny jeans very low with the bum part of the jeans hanging down and no bum in it. It's wrong.

I might post that picture. My mum is a great artist.

January 19, 2007 at 9:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so with you on the ladder in the Library thing.
I don't think the USA types know what cricket is anyway Betts.
I soooooooooo love mint filled choc ... but I'm on a diet, so not allowed.
Cool re your Mum doing you a picture ... yep, post it and let us see.

January 19, 2007 at 3:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the subject of skinny jeans: I couldn't agree with you more, they just look plain wrong on mostly everyone (except for Kate Moss look-alikes, of course).
On the subject of shoes (and books, lol): Check out "I want those shoes" by Paola Jacobbi.
And I still can't believe your mother's pressie...Absolutely gorgeous!:)

January 22, 2007 at 2:09 AM

Blogger Euromark said...

I think I'll invent a new word: crocholat. That's what happens when bad chocolat and too tight jeans get together and smear things up... On the other hand, those who truly do look good in tight jeans should bathe in the moment and enjoy their pithy mint chocolat...

January 22, 2007 at 5:13 AM

Blogger Bettina said...

Aggs- yeah, I think I have heard you talk about the mint chocolate thing before. Probably one of the few things that I don't agree with you on... But sure, you have your mint chocolate. When you're off the diet, I mean.

Imogen- thanks for dropping by! And I agree- Kate Moss is probably one of the few people that can get away with skinny leg jeans. But then again, she doesn't have what I would call a normal body....
Will have a look at that book- thanks for the tip!

EM- Crocholat... that sounds kind of scary. I wouldn't like to come across that... ;-)

January 22, 2007 at 9:08 AM

Blogger Chris said...

Chocolate: make mine dark.

Cricket: the little insect.

Skinny jeans: want to see the picture of you in them to make up my own mind.

Thank you for playing.

January 22, 2007 at 3:22 PM

Blogger Bettina said...

Chris- You know me, I'm a generous girl and would be more than happy to post a picture of me in skinny jeans. Unfortunately, that's never gonna happen as I will never be seen in a pair of them. Sorry. :-)

January 22, 2007 at 6:11 PM

Blogger Euromark said...

Bettina: I think Chris should put the tight jeans on and post a photo- denksch au? This could top his guitar video in underwear...

January 23, 2007 at 4:09 AM

Blogger Bettina said...

EM- that's a fantastic idea! You're obviously a bit of a thinker there, hey. Bring it on, Chris!

January 23, 2007 at 9:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in town today and saw the hottest all over red scooter parked there. I immediately thought of you, your Mum and I touring around on matching little numbers. It was so cool!

January 23, 2007 at 3:05 PM

Blogger Bettina said...

Book me in, Aggs! And my mum! We can be like the Hell's Angels. Just much sweeter. :-)

January 23, 2007 at 5:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got shit i didn't want. In fact, most everything i got was on the "I don't want" list. Not on the "I really want" list. i think people got the two mixed up or something. Either that or they really hate me.

Either way, it sucked.

January 24, 2007 at 6:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could always be Heaven's Angels?

February 2, 2007 at 2:46 PM


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