Just another day in the life of a blessed child

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Shortbus: It's just like the sixties- only with less hope

Hello beautiful people. The silly season is upon us and things have been getting rather silly around here. Work is turning into a circus again and I've been doing insane amounts of hours- just when I thought I had my new leisurely life all sorted out.

This sadly means that I haven't found much time for blogging. I'm not asking for your forgiveness though- you better take what you get or be quiet.

If there's anyone out there who hasn't given up on me yet (anyone? at all?), who knows, you might care to read my latest movie review on "Shortbus", a surprisingly sweet movie about sex.

See you around folks.


Blogger SJ said...

A guy I work with and his wife went to see this and walked about after the first 5 mins.

December 7, 2006 at 5:21 AM

Blogger Euromark said...

In view of the rising incidence of new AIDS infections in the western world (and perhaps elsewhere also), I think such a film does not help people avoid promiscuous and non-commital sexual relations. Presenting such sexual lifestyles as a viable alternative could help AIDS and other STDS to spread faster. Or, perhaps the film tends to present the disadvantages of promiscuous sexual relations? Perhaps the film is otherwise admirable. It isn't showing in Leipzig at the moment.

December 7, 2006 at 7:25 AM

Blogger Bettina said...

Yeah, it's interesting, as I'm sure the movie won't appeal to a lot of people and I would have expected it to have the same effect on me... But for some reason that I can't explain properly, it just caused a completely different reaction with me and left this sweet, warm, very humane feeling with me. I walked out of the movie theater and felt like people were beautiful but fragile and that I needed to take care of everyone. Yeah, call me a nutter, I don't think it makes sense either, but that's just the way it was.

Mark, you certainly have a very valid point there, but I didn't look at the movie in an educational/ message kind of way, but only in terms of how it made me feel. I don't even think the movie is primarily about sex, although there is a lot of sex in it. I think it's a lot more about emotion and about people looking to feel something and to find someone who allows them to feel something.

December 7, 2006 at 3:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, so if I go see this movie I'll finally find out what sex is?

December 7, 2006 at 5:32 PM

Blogger SJ said...

Without whips, Abigail :)

December 7, 2006 at 7:05 PM

Blogger anitha shalini said...

Hi Bettina nice review. But more importantly your postings about your childhood are sooo touching. Guilt held since childhood can be a powerful thing - I have written something along the same lines in my blog, please do check it out when you have time.

December 8, 2006 at 3:38 AM

Blogger MYSTIC said...

Does anyone know how to chum the waters...Just stopped in to say hey Bettina..missed you.

December 8, 2006 at 5:44 AM

Blogger Paulinha said...

I really like the review and I hope I had seen the movie... sometimes you need tough guts to appreciate a good message... I don't know if this make sense to you but it does a lot to me...

December 8, 2006 at 10:24 AM

Blogger Paulinha said...

'...if this makeS sense'.
Sorry, I had to correct my own English mistake.

December 8, 2006 at 10:26 AM

Blogger Bettina said...

Anitha: Thank you for dropping by! I'm always very honoured to hear when something that I wrote touches someone else's heart... Thank you for your kind words. I will definitely drop by on your blog! All the best.

Mystic: Hi! Thank you for stopping by, as always. It's always good to see you around here.

Paulinha: Obrigada. I think you're right.

December 11, 2006 at 2:22 PM

Blogger Chris said...

You are a very good writer. I would like to see the movie. The one about the dominatrix just wanting a house and a cat cracked me up. Reminded me of Aggs.

December 14, 2006 at 3:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did Chris know I starred in that movie???? lol

December 14, 2006 at 5:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey B.

Got here through Karin's blog and am just browsing through your posts at the mo:)

Was quite intrigued by your review of Shortbus and will make a point of checking it out if/when it reaches Belgium.

I am also guessing it will appeal to more ppl than expected. And let the ones who don't have their share of "neuroses and unfulfilled dreams" raise their hands...

December 14, 2006 at 9:37 PM


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