Just another day in the life of a blessed child

Monday, February 05, 2007

Moving sucks

We moved on the weekend. The new apartment is the absolute bomb- a dream come true. However, the move itself was ugly. As always. I don't understand how it is possible that I have moved that many times in my life, yet keep on forgetting just how incredibly nasty moving is. I was definitely reminded of it again this weekend. Moving sucks. My back hurts, the lounge room floor is still covered in boxes and bags, I can't find any of my stuff, I can't decide which way I want my bed to face, we haven't done the condition report yet although we should have done it on the weekend, I need to buy a desk and a bathroom mat and a coffee table, we have to get the phone connected and the fridge delivered and one of those strange shutter things in my room is broken (yeah, I don't know what a strange shutter thing is either, don't ask me. I've never seen one before either).

But other than that, things are great. I'm serious. The apartment is absolutely to die for. I wanted it so badly that I was prepared to kill, sleep with anyone I had to and bribe people. I know that's a bit extreme, but it worked out really well. We are now living on the 8th top floor of an older style mini highrise building in an inner city suburb right on the river. There's only two apartments per floor, which means we get half of the floor and have views on three sides of the building- full river views on one side and full city views on the other. We get the most amazing breeze through the place. There's lots of trees around. Every single room in our apartment has incredible views, even the laundry. Have you ever had a laundry with river views? Yeah, I didn't think so. We are so close to the river that we could jump in from our window (which of course I won't do, I promise. At least not when I'm sober. I'm just kidding). It's rather bloody amazing. When I stood on our balcony last night with a glass of champagne (ok, it wasn't champagne, it was cheap sparkling wine) and a cigarette, looking over river, I couldn't help but wondering what the poor people were doing.

Having said that, they might be sitting in an apartment somewhere with lots of boxes around them everywhere and with no money in their bank account because they had to pay bond and moving vans and two weeks rent in advance.


Blogger MYSTIC said...

So much to comment on...Glad you enjoy your new apartment...Room with a view is nice but an apartment with views is great. Sit out on your balcony at twilight with "black beauty" It will put you in the mood to be creative. Now, considering the lenghts you were willing to go to get this apartment...thank goodness you did not have to resort to that. Do take pictures of the views and post please. Love the last photo

February 7, 2007 at 12:52 AM

Blogger Chris said...

Sorry you had a hard time moving. I have a strong urge to sell everything I own, and then move every ear.

February 7, 2007 at 3:38 PM

Blogger Chris said...

That would be year, not ear. No desire to move ears.

February 7, 2007 at 3:38 PM

Blogger Bettina said...

Mystic: I will do exactely that- sit on the balcony at twilight with my guitar and a glass of wine. As soon as all the boxes are gone. It will be like in a movie :-)

Chris: I'm glad you don't have the desire to move all your ears. I thought that was a bit unusual.

February 8, 2007 at 12:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ear, ear, ear ... that sounds like the Apartment find of the century. It will prove worth the moving angst which will soon fade. Yes, please, post photos and an audio post of you playing the infamous Black Beauty.

February 8, 2007 at 2:55 PM

Blogger Bettina said...

Aggs- I will make it my mission to take a few nice photos of the apartment and the view soon. On the other hand, you really don't want to hear me play the guitar yet. Really.

February 9, 2007 at 9:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody seems to be moving lately. I am sooo out of the loop...lol!
Glad your new appartment is nice. Hope you now get lots and lots of wonderful memories to go with it:)
Looking forward to the views' pics.
Good luck with the rest of the unpacking...

February 9, 2007 at 11:12 PM

Blogger Euromark said...

A pity that you had to move in the warmer time of year. I have moved so often in my life. Getting the washing machine up the stairs to the fourth floor here - no lift! - was horrible. But now you can reorganize you whole life! really... And get to know the new neighbors.

February 10, 2007 at 7:17 AM

Blogger Bettina said...

Imogen- thank you! I have no doubt there will be lots of great memories... Watch this space! :-)

EM- I have moved so many times in my life too. It's painful- but I know there will be many more moves in the future- I get restless after a while.

February 12, 2007 at 8:40 AM


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