Excuse me, you are not wearing any pants
Don't you hate those dreams where you find yourself in a busy public space and suddenly realise you are not wearing any pants? There is only one thing worse than that- if you wake up and realise it wasn't a dream. You are actually in public and not wearing any pants.
It's been happening to a lot of girls around here lately. In fact, it must be like a recurring nightmare to them. They keep on waking up and realise, shit, I'm not wearing any pants AGAIN! I was in the main city mall the other day for the first time in quite a while, as I barely have time to shop at the moment. Or even just walk through the mall. It was on Saturday and I had just written an exam (yeah, exactely, I also think it's an absolute disgrace that after a 55 hour week at work I have to go and write an exam on a Saturday. Please do feel free and tell Amnesty International about it). I decided I did not feel like going home yet, so I went to the mall to do a bit of shopping. And there were all those girls with no pants.

I'm a bit confused about what exactely is going on. Is it just a coincidence and have they all forgotten to put on pants? Or do they actually think it's ok to wear a long t-shirt without pants? Or do they maybe believe that those long tops are actually dresses? It's a mystery to me. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with short dresses or skirts, as long as they can be identified as such. But what's going on out there at the moment is just not for me. Call me old-fashioned, but I like a bit of class. Not much, but just a little bit.

I do feel sorry for them. Maybe nobody told them they are meant to wear jeans or at least leggins underneath? Maybe next time I see one of them I should tell her. "Excuse me, don't look around now. But you're not wearing any pants." I'm sure they would appreciate my help.