Laos, I love you
Laos moments to remember:
- Getting into an overly full local bus and being waved to the back by five giggling Laos women. I climb over bags of rice and vegetables, kids, cardboard boxes and people's legs and take a seat between a few bags of coriander, mint and spring onions and the five friendly women who offer me some of their food.
- Eating laap (minced fish mixed with fresh herbs, lime juice, chillies and fish sauce) and drinking a Beerlao at a small little family restaurant where I am the only guest and have the whole family look after me as if I was their long lost daughter, although nobody speaks a word of English. When I leave, the grandfather gives me a banana as a present and the baby blows me kisses.
- Driving past a beautiful temple in a local bus and seeing a few women silently lift their closed hands to their foreheads in a prayer-like motion and nod peacefully in acknowledgement of the temple.
- Visiting a tribal village where four little two- or three-year-old girls crowd around me, half curious, half shy. One of them steps forward and touches my hands, and then gently takes my face into both hands and runs her fingers down my cheeks as if to tell me that she trusts me.
- Being invited to sit with a table full at locals at a village festival and then spending the next few hours drinking, eating and dancing the traditional dances with the locals.
- Walking through a garden behind a temple and finding out it is an art school for monks where a group of them work with a beautiful concentration on creating clay Buddha figures.
- Spending two days gliding down the Mekong river in a slow, peaceful boat, reading, thinking and watching the world go by.
- Mountainbiking through hills and little villages and having the kids race to the street in every village, waving at us, screaming "hi", stretching their hands out for high-fives as we ride past and making us feel like they are so happy to see us.
- Getting up at five in the morning to watch the long lines of monks barefoot and in burnt orange robes silently and peacefully wander the streets to collect rice and other donations.
- Realising just how full of beauty, magic and wonder the world is and finding myself incredibly lucky to be able to discover some of it.
GEESH! I COULD HAVE TOLD YOU ALL THAT. Welcome Home. It is a lovely country, as is Viet Nam, Cambodia and a few others..I will be gone awhile but keep me up to date on your trip home.
May 16, 2008 at 7:47 AM
Bettina those are great pictures! Thank you for sharing. I'm glad that this trip is going so well for you. It's wonderful to be able to read about your adventures.
Cheers Bella!
May 16, 2008 at 2:12 PM
What a truly beautiful and fascinating place it appears.
You will have treasured memories and those photos are just fantastic Betts.
Makes me want to hop on the next plane and come take a look.
Travel is the best thing in life ... very special.
May 16, 2008 at 3:29 PM
Mystic- Well, I guess I'll just ask you then next time! Keep in touch.
Blitheroo- Thanks lovely. I do love some of these photos- although they're not as good as your garden photos!
Aggs- Maybe you should hop on a plane and come meet me! We could get motorbikes and roam the countryside... what do you think?
May 17, 2008 at 1:51 AM
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and your lovely memories of Laos. It was delightful to live vicariously through you for a short time :) Safe travels!
May 17, 2008 at 2:59 AM
What a beautiful beautiful country. I think it is giving you things you'll always remember, and which will affect everything you do in life in some subtle way. Visiting a place like that gives you perspective and understanding you'd never have if you stayed at home all the time. It's the difference between reading about love and being loved. You're involved with life.
I am so happy for you.
Your photographs are amazing.
Walk the earth with a reverent foot.
May 17, 2008 at 3:24 AM
I'm soooo jealous, but enjoy living vicariously through you. What great photographs....
May 17, 2008 at 6:59 AM
i love those big sunglasses.
and all the colors:
the greens, golds and oranges.
red... the brown water.
every blue is the color of the sky.
the color of the sky is blue.
hue, and your sunglasses.
May 20, 2008 at 2:30 AM
Those pictures are absolutely gorgeous! So full of color. As are your memories. It sounds lovely.
You are truly blessed to have witnessed it.
May 20, 2008 at 3:40 PM
The pictures!...the pictures! (haha) Seriously, you are a talented photographer (I'm assuming these are all or mostly your own work?), beautiful. That, and what you have written these last two posts, is so moving, like a fantastic dream come true, you have managed to share with us all.
Thank you, Blessed Child!
May 24, 2008 at 8:36 AM
a.decker- Yes, they are all my photos. Thank you so much for your kind words.
May 28, 2008 at 6:56 PM
Do men just tackle you wherever you go? You're so damn cute!
May 29, 2008 at 10:48 AM
You definetly should do travel guides!
May 31, 2008 at 6:33 PM
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