She's the one

Excuse me, everyone, but this is a historical moment. Would you mind sitting down for a moment and shutting up, so I can make an announcement. Thank you.
I have just bought my first guitar.
(Poignant pause.)
That's ok, you can clap. I know, I'm very excited too. You might think I'm making fun of it all here, but I'm actually deadly serious. I'm so emotional about this, it's not funny. I have been telling everyone about it, absolutely everyone. Even the lady on the bus stop and some random customers at work. My friends say I'm acting like a little kid at Christmas (which secretly, they think is kind of cool). I sat out on the terrace last night with my flatmates and held my guitar the whole time. I couldn't let go of it. And I found it hard to leave the house this morning, knowing that I would have to leave my guitar behind. I kissed her good bye when I eventually did. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can call me pathetic, I don't care.
I've wanted to play the guitar for a couple of years and have been talking about it a lot. I played instruments and studied music from when I was about 7 until about 19. I used to be pretty good, but then life kind of swallowed me up and I didn't find time anymore. I never really considered the idea of the guitar though until a couple of years ago, when all of a sudden the idea jumped on me and never let me go again. I was at a friend's cafe and shop the other day and spoke about the guitar again. My friend is a musician and has played the guitar for about 20 years or so. Suddenly he said: "Do you want to buy my old guitar?", disappeared inside his shop and came back with this beautiful, beautiful black guitar. I was in shock. I looked at it with my mouth open and just knew she was the one. It was love at first sight.
I don't have any aspirations of playing in a band or getting all sophisticated and technical- all I want to do is sit on the terrace and play the guitar. By myself. That's all I want to do. I'm so excited. So far, I can do G major, C major, E minor and D major. Apparently there's a song in that, but I haven't quite found it yet. The tips of my fingers are sore as hell, but it's all worth it. Now I just have to find a name for my guitar and I'll be set.