Watch the hotness per square meter
I just have to tell this story. It's too good to not be told. I laughed my ass off. Paula, Michelle, Phil and me went to this friend's party the other day. Paula, Michelle and me live together and we are best friends too. Yeah, I know, it's kind of disgustingly sweet the way we are friends and go out together and live together and are just like one happy little family and still get along. But that's just the kind of people we are. Disgustingly sweet, I mean.
Anyway, so we got ready for this party and ended up all looking particularly hot. Not that we don't usually do, but it just so happened that we all had a completly different look but all looked pretty snappy in our own ways. Paula was the funky child, with a very colourful dress, flat black suede boots, a denim jacket and a black hat. I was doing the "I don't have to show skin to look hot" thing, with jeans, boots, a white top and my yellow leather jacket. Michelle had the "excuse me, would you please get out of my way, I'm out to kill tonight" look, with a little black dress, purple boots and a purple jacket. Yep, we had it going on. Phil looked pretty good too, by the way, but that's kind of beside the point- I just thought I should mention it as not to offend him.
We got to the party, which was on a roof top, and proceeded to get pretty drunk. Which reminds me that the night actually produced another hilarious story that would be so worth telling, but I think Michelle might kill me if I did, so I will leave it at that.
Anyway. When we were all happy little drunks being silly and having a grand old time, Paula came over to me and said, "You know me, I'm not arrogant. You do know that, don't you? (in brackets: I do) And neither are you or Michelle. But let's just cut the crap here for a moment and let's be realistic. How hot are we? I mean if you measured the hotness per square meter in our apartment, it would just go through the roof. I know, people are not meant to say this about themselves, but fuck it, let's just get straight to the point here. We are just disgustingly hot."
We were basically rolling on the floor laughing. We thought it was the funniest thing in the history of the universe. Yep, that's right, we not only think we are hot, we also think we are hilarious. At least we can entertain ourselves.

Unfortunately, we didn't take any photos that night, but here are a couple of other ones of the three of us.