Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
I've just come back from another music festival, this time just a little cute one in Switzerland. I could tell you now what an amazing time I had and all this sort of stuff, and I could even post some photos. But I won't do it. Otherwise you people think that all I ever do is party and that my life is nothing but one big festival. Which would be nice actually- I would like that. Sadly not true though.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Big brother is watching you
I went grocery shopping in this huge supermarket yesterday. It was shortly before they closed for the day and there weren't many people left at all.
I was standing in the cleaning aisle by myself, trying to pick a cleaning sponge for the bathroom. I looked at a few different ones and couldn't quite make up my mind. I wanted one that really scrubs, yet doesn't scratch the surfaces. A few of them said stuff like "do not use on coated surfaces" on it, which confused me greatly. What's a coated surface? Wouldn't anything you potentially use a sponge on (pans, pots, tiles, sink, toilet) be somehow coated in someting? I didn't want to destroy my coated surfaces, but I also didn't want some lame cheap-arse sponge that doesn't do anything. So I'm standing there, deep in thought, trying to pick the perfect sponge and wondering about scratches and surfaces as a voice comes on over the loudspeaker.
"Try our new super ultra amazing cleaning sponges! Soft, yet thorough, they remove any kind of dirt and leave your surfaces brilliantly clean while not scratching them. You will find our new super ultra amazing cleaning sponges in the cleaning aisle. Try them now!"
I stopped what I was doing and carefully looked around, trying not to look suspicous. Was someone watching me? Was there a camera on me? I hesitated for a moment, when the voice came on again. "Do try our new super ultra amazing cleaning sponges now! They are in the cleaning aisle! The only sponges that clean thoroughly while not scratching your surfaces!"
This was getting a bit too much for me. I quickly grabbed the nearest sponge and a few other items I still needed and made my way to the checkout. I'm not going back to this supermarket. I don't appreciate people making fun of me publicly while I shop. Just because I couldn't decide on a freaking cleaning sponge.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thank you, thank you, I'll be here til Thursday.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
I have fallen in love. With Glastonbury.
I got back Tuesday night, but I think I only just really recovered now. One of the best, and no doubt one of the craziest weekends of my life. Very little sleep, very, very, very much fun.
I saw twentyfour bands in three days. I saw the sun come up twice in a row. I met a thousand people. I regularly laughed until I was gasping for air. I walked about fivehundred kilometres and danced for hours (in gumboots). I ruled the dancefloor. I ate toasted sandwiches. I hugged my friends. I met superman. I drank lots of cider (and some vodka). I made a fire. I danced in the rain. I burnt my nose. I wore silly hats. I made up stories. I laughed at people (a lot. Because there was so much to laugh about.) I screamed. I got goose bumps. I loved it, loved it, loved it. I had the absolute time of my life. I will be back (that's for sure).