1. Drink more red wine 
Not only is red wine the holy juice, tastes bloody fantastic and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it is also good for you. Or, as my good friend Ashley says, "if a glass of red wine is good for you, imagine how good a bottle must be." I like his way of thinking.
2. Get obsessed with something
I love getting obsessed with stuff, it is so much fun. I'm obsessed with belts, Leabrook wines, blue cheese, music, magazines, coffee, shoes, banana-raspberry smoothies, my rose-scented body lotion and bookshops. Try it with some objects of your choice. It's good.
3. Practise randome acts of kindness
Smile at a stranger. Tell the check-out lady you love her hair. Cuddle your dog. Give your friend's teddy a pat on the back. They might be freaked out, but it feels good.
4. Buy a scooter
Believe me, when it comes to having fun you just cannot go past scooters. They are toys for grown ups. They will make you scream with laughter and feel like a child all over again. To increase the fun factor, you might want to try to ride inbetween cars to the front of the lane and when you get there, laugh and wave at the cars which are stuck in traffic.
5. Be irresponsible
I just decided this morning to go on a one week snowboard holiday with five friends in New Zealand at the end of August. It's going to cost me an absolute bloody fortune, will probably financially ruin my life and I had to promise the travel agent my first born child to pay for it. But who cares? I know this is something I will always remember. And looking back onto my life in ten or twenty years' time, what will be more important: an unforgettable week of fun and amazing memories or a bit more money (and a stupid first born child)? See.
(By the way, this method of making decisions can get you into trouble. But if you don't mind, it's a lot of fun too.)
6. Dance like a maniac
It's scientifically proven (by me) that dancing makes you happy. Especially if you don't care how you look when you do it. So go absolutely insane, shake that bootie, spin around the room like a maniac and dance your ass off so much that you scare little children and small animals. It's liberating.
7. Have some chocolate cake
Starving yourself or depriving yourself of everything will admittedly make you skinny. But it will also make you grumpy and I say life is too short for that. Chocolate cake makes you happy and happy makes you beautiful. So go ahead, have another piece. You know you want to.
8. Be childish
Being childish is good for you. Kids have more fun. They don't give a rat's ass about what other people think. Play a trick on your brother, wear a pair of underpants on your head, giggle like a child in the bus with your friend or attack your boyfriend from behind when he's not looking and throw him to the ground. If he's got any sense of humour, he will agree that it was funny.