Come into my arms, sweet freedom

Having said that though, there is some good news. I only have one week left of my degree and then it's all over. All over! And once it's all over, I'm going to make up for all the suffering and pain. Big time. So to all you people out there who at this very moment are having a grand old time and are carrying on and drinking Gin and Tonics and dancing on tables and cooking lobster and skinny dipping and laughing this stupid loud laugh and feeding each other chocolates and are just generally having a disgustingly good time while I'm studying, to all you people I would like to say one thing. Tonight I might be studying and let you have all the Gin and Tonics and do the dancing on tables. But wait until I'm back next week. You better have a few disco naps now and get ready for it, because I will be partying like there's no tomorrow and you better be up for it. And I won't stop until the sun comes up and then I still won't stop. And if you can't keep up with me I will have no mercy because it's your fault for having a good time while I suffered. Oh, sweet freedom, I can already taste it. It tastes like.... vanilla.... raspberry vodka... Swiss chocolate... paradise... and all things nice.